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Company & Location Setup
18 articles
How to change my country in Sapaad?
How can I set up invoice number formats that are unique to my locations?
How to reset invoice numbers everyday?
How to import sales from my previous POS to Sapaad POS?
Why am I unable to view a location?
How to display my restaurant name on the Business Summary?
How to change my default currency in Sapaad?
How to change my timezone in Sapaad?
View all articles in “Company & Location Setup”
Menu Setup
38 articles
How to set up a Build Your Own Menu item in Sapaad?
How to update the price of an item for one location?
How to make an item available at a particular location?
How to add barcodes to menu items in Sapaad?
What is the recommended size for uploading my menu item images?
How to delete a menu category?
How to delete a Modifier?
What's the maximum file size when uploading an image for a menu item?
View all articles in “Menu Setup”
28 articles
How to add a modifier group?
How do I set up a Build Your Own menu item in Sapaad?
How many mandatory modifiers can I have for each menu item?
How to view my modifier reports?
How to set a modifier as default or preselected?
How to delete a modifier template?
How to delete modifiers from a group?
How to load a modifier template?
View all articles in “Modifiers”
Discounts & Surcharges
20 articles
How to apply a discount to an item?
How to apply tax on my surcharges?
How to apply a discount on a split bill?
How many order discounts can I apply to a bill?
How to set up a Happy Hour discount in Sapaad?
How to display a discount code on Sapaad.Online?
How to create a discount code for online orders?
How to enable a discount for specific order types?
View all articles in “Discounts & Surcharges”
17 articles
How to apply VAT to my purchases?
How to update your invoice to be ZATCA Compliant?
How to disable tax on a particular menu item?
How to view my tax report in Sapaad?
How to add supplier tax in Purchase Orders for Finished Good prices?
How to add supplier tax in Purchase Orders for Ingredient prices?
Can I have more than one default tax?
How to set up exclusive tax?
View all articles in “Tax”
8 articles
How to add Referrals to a CRM order?
How to add a Referral?
How to delete a Referral?
How to track orders from third-party ordering platforms like Zomato?
How to change the referral if my staff selected an incorrect one?
I accidentally selected the wrong payment mode on a referral order. How do I change it?
Is the selection of payment mode mandatory for referral orders?
How can I identify how many orders were paid online from a specific referral?
27 articles
How to customize header labels in my invoice?
How to enable auto-printing from Google Chrome?
How to change the page setup of Mozilla Firefox?
How to turn off the pop-up blocker on Mozilla Firefox?
How to turn off the pop-up blocker of Chrome?
How to change the print page setup of Google Chrome?
How to create separate invoice templates?
How can my call center agent place an order and print the bills directly at my restaurant?
View all articles in “Printing”
10 articles
How to add a new Payment Type?
How to accept gift cards from customers?
How to delete a Payment Type?
How to rearrange my payment types in the order of my preference?
How to manage customers who purchase items on credit in Sapaad?
How to enable my online ordering store to only have online payments?
How to settle a bill with multiple payment methods?
I deleted a payment type by mistake. Will my sales data be affected?
View all articles in “Payments”
Staff Management
25 articles
How to implement swipe cards for my users to log in instead of username and password?
How do I assign staff to multiple locations?
How to view a staff's log in history?
How to use a swipe card to cancel an order?
How to restrict staff access to Business Summary only?
How to delete a staff role?
How to restrict my staff and other users from modifying old bills?
How to record tips given to staff in Sapaad?
View all articles in “Staff Management”
Dashboard & Reports
76 articles
How to view the bills settled by a particular cashier?
How can I extract a total list of items required for future dates?
How to identify the COGS of my non-consumables?
How to view a list of received purchase orders by supplier?
How to find the the total consumption of a particular ingredient for a period of time?
How to identify the total sales of an item in the dine-in menu and food aggregator menu?
How to check when the dine-in order was opened and when the bill was settled?
How to check the total time taken to complete a walk-in order?
View all articles in “Dashboard & Reports”
13 articles
What does the Online icon on the top right of my screen indicate?
We’ve cancelled an order that our customer has paid for. How do we refund the customer?
What are the keyboard shortcuts for Walk-In order-taking in Sapaad?
What does the "leaf" icon against an item indicate?
How to enable the Supervisor Password to cancel an order or modify an item in Walk-In orders?
How to update the Supervisor Password to cancel an order or modify an item?
How to place a Walk-In order?
How to cancel a Walk-In order?
View all articles in “Walk-In”
29 articles
How to enable split bill for Dine-In orders?
How to identify the number of tables for which bills have been printed?
How to calculate a customer's total dine-in time on a particular table?
How can my staff place a dine-in order for customers parked in my restaurant’s parking lot?
What are the keyboard shortcuts for Dine-In order-taking in Sapaad?
How to access PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)?
What do table legend colors indicate?
How to enable the Supervisor Password to cancel an order or modify an item in Dine-In orders?
View all articles in “Dine-In”
25 articles
How to send an SMS to customers who are not part of my customer database?
How to send a Thank You message to my Top Customers?
How many customers can I add to my database with a base subscription plan?
How do I keep count of the number of customers in my CRM database?
What is sender ID?
How do I change the default mode of payment for a CRM order?
Can I integrate caller ID with Sapaad?
How do I add multiple addresses for a customer?
View all articles in “CRM”
Delivery Manager
36 articles
Where can I view which of my drivers are available for delivery?
Under Delivery Manager, when do delivered orders reset?
Where can I view all my Future Orders?
Where can I view all my Take Away Orders?
Where can I view all my Home Delivery Orders?
Where can I view all orders delivered on that particular day?
How to create Order Cancellation Reasons for delivery orders?
How to create Order Modify Reasons for delivery orders?
View all articles in “Delivery Manager”
Delivery Assistant
6 articles
What is the link for the Driver Phones?
How to save the driver's password in the phone?
Can I settle an order in Delivery Assistant by credit card?
What is Delivery Assistant?
Can my drivers mark orders as delivered directly from their mobile phones?
How to enable my driver to mark the delivered status of a card payment order directly on their mobile phone?
Inventory Setup
50 articles
How to activate Inventory module?
How to set up my Inventory?
How to upload ingredients?
How to download my list of ingredients?
What is an ingredient?
How to add an ingredient?
How to delete an ingredient?
What is Recipe Unit?
View all articles in “Inventory Setup”
55 articles
Who can delete a Purchase Order?
How does the Sapaad inventory work?
Why am I unable to open a new stock take?
Why do I not have the option to auto reconcile an ingredient in the completed stock take?
How to make changes requested by customers to menu items and ensure that inventory correctly tracks it?
How to update the incorrect cost per unit for an ingredient?
How can my staff verify that they've counted all the ingredients during a stock take?
How to manage positive and negative variances in my stock take?
View all articles in “Inventory”
Sapaad KDS 2.0
87 articles
What is Sapaad KDS 2.0?
What are the benefits of Sapaad KDS 2.0?
What business models does Sapaad KDS 2.0 support?
Is Sapaad KDS 2.0 web-based or an app?
What device does Sapaad KDS 2.0 work on?
Do I need proprietary hardware for Sapaad KDS 2.0?
What are the hardware specifications required for Sapaad KDS 2.0?
Do I need a physical kitchen printer for Sapaad KDS 2.0?
View all articles in “Sapaad KDS 2.0”
Service Screens
4 articles
Can I print these token numbers on invoices?
How to enable the Token Screen?
How to disable the Token Screen?
When do Token numbers reset?
75 articles
Does Sapaad.Online support scheduled orders?
How to set up CCAvenue payment gateway?
How to set up PayU payment gateway?
How to set up QPay payment gateway?
How to set up PayTabs payment gateway?
Does Sapaad.Online support scheduled discounts?
How do I add a scheduled discount to my online store?
My customers are unable to schedule orders from my online store.
View all articles in “Sapaad.Online”
Sapaad Connect
12 articles
What is Sapaad Connect?
What is the price of Sapaad Connect?
How do I add Sapaad Connect to my subscription?
Why can't I add Sapaad Connect to my subscription?
What do I need to do before activating Sapaad Connect?
What’s covered in my Sapaad Connect subscription?
The food ordering platforms I'm partnered with are not listed in the supported partners. What can I do?
The food ordering platforms I’ve partnered with are supported – I want in! How can I start using Sapaad Connect?
View all articles in “Sapaad Connect”
Deliveroo Connect
54 articles
How do I set up my Deliveroo Store?
How do I disable Deliveroo Connect for a specific location?
How do I close a Deliveroo store?
How do I modify or void a Deliveroo order that has already been delivered?
How do I modify or void a Deliveroo order?
Why are my menu items not appearing in Deliveroo?
I've added a modifier to my Sapaad menu but it's not syncing to Deliveroo.
I've added a menu item to my Sapaad menu but it's not syncing to Deliveroo.
View all articles in “Deliveroo Connect”
GrabFood Connect
65 articles
How many menu categories can I have in GrabFood?
How many menu items can I have in a GrabFood category?
What is the character limit for a GrabFood modifier option?
How many options can I have in a GrabFood modifier group?
What is the character limit for a GrabFood modifier group?
How many modifier groups can I have in a GrabFood menu item?
What is the character limit for a GrabFood item description?
What is the character limit for a GrabFood menu item?
View all articles in “GrabFood Connect”
Quiqup Connect
9 articles
What do I need to do to before activating Quiqup Connect?
How do I enable Quiqup in my Sapaad account?
After enabling Quiqup Connect, can I still use my Quiqup dashboard?
How do I assign a Quiqup driver?
How do I locate the Quiqup rider on the map?
How will I know when an order has been delivered by a Quiqup rider?
How do I cancel an order assigned to a Quiqup rider?
How do I modify an order assigned to a Quiqup rider?
View all articles in “Quiqup Connect”
Sapaad Loyalty
28 articles
What is Resend Code button?
How can I set a maximum redemption value for Loyalty Points in one transaction?
How can I print a customer's Loyalty Points in their bill?
How can I send receipts to a customer's email address?
How can I set a different Loyalty value for online customers?
How do I restrict home delivery customers from getting Loyalty Points?
What is Maximum Redeem Value?
What is Minimum Redeem Value?
View all articles in “Sapaad Loyalty”
11 articles
How to integrate Sapaad with Tally?
How do I integrate Sapaad with Xero?
What is the price of Tally Integration?
Can I integrate QuickBooks with Sapaad?
Can I integrate the Quickbooks desktop on premise version with Sapaad?
How much do I have to pay for QuickBooks integration to Sapaad POS?
How do I integrate QuickBooks with Sapaad?
How can I schedule the sync time of data from Sapaad to Quickbooks?
View all articles in “Accounting”
Sapaad Biometrics
23 articles
How to uninstall Sapaad Biometrics?
What is the pricing of Sapaad Biometrics?
Can I integrate a different biometric device with Sapaad?
Can a user have more than one type of login to Sapaad?
If I delete a user from Sapaad Biometrics, can the user still log in?
If I delete a user in Sapaad but not in Sapaad Biometrics, can the user still log in?
If the Sapaad Biometrics device gets replaced, will it work on the same POS machine?
Can I use the same Sapaad Biometrics device on a different POS machine?
View all articles in “Sapaad Biometrics”
28 articles
If I switch to an annual subscription, will I get a discount?
Does Sapaad offer any special pricing and promotions?
Can I pay for my annual subscription by bank transfer?
What type of payments do you accept?
What currency are the prices in?
What are Sapaad’s pricing plans?
What measures does Sapaad take in order to rectify and fix the downtime event?
Can I obtain a refund in case of any occurrence of an incident, maintenance event, or outage resulting in an unavailability of the Service provided by Sapaad?
View all articles in “Pricing ”
47 articles
What are the various services that are offered by Sapaad?
Are the terms of third-party services covered by Sapaad?
Can I transfer my Sapaad account to a new owner of my business?
What if I fail to notify Sapaad about the change in ownership of the business?
Can I change the credit card details of my Sapaad account?
How do I change the credit card details of my Sapaad account?
What if I fail to notify Sapaad about the change in credit card details of my Sapaad account?
There has been an unauthorized transaction or unauthorized access to my Sapaad account. What do I do?
View all articles in “Subscription”
6 articles
What are the different methods to log in to Sapaad?
How does the Sap Business One and Sapaad integration work?
What is the minimum internet speed needed for Sapaad?
Can I use 3G Internet?
How to use my Sapaad subscription for events?
Can I enter the data of sales that happened at an event last week in Sapaad?
Foodpanda Connect
47 articles
I've added a menu item to my Sapaad menu but it's not syncing to Foodpanda.
Will my Foodpanda orders be displayed on Sapaad KDS 2.0?
Can I change the delivery person for orders delivered by Foodpanda riders?
How do I see a report of past Foodpanda orders?
How do I see the total orders received through Foodpanda?
How do I disable Foodpanda Connect for a specific location?
How do I close a Foodpanda store?
If I disable a Foodpanda store, do I need to redo the menu availability setup?
View all articles in “Foodpanda Connect”
Sapaad iOS App
21 articles
How to install the Sapaad iOS app?
Do I need a Sapaad account to use the Sapaad iOS account?
I have downloaded the Sapaad iOS app but I'm unable to log in.
Why is my Sapaad iOS app locked?
Does Sapaad's iOS app work offline?
What order types work on Sapaad's iOS app?
What are the minimum specifications required to use Sapaad's iOS app?
Which languages is the iOS app available in?
View all articles in “Sapaad iOS App”
Sapaad Android App
20 articles
What are the compatible printers for Sapaad's Android app?
Is the Android app integrated with Sapaad's Token Screen?
Is the Android app integrated with Sapaad's LIVE Business Dashboard?
Is the Android app integrated with Sapaad Loyalty?
Is the Android app integrated with Sapaad's KDS?
Is the Android app integrated with Sapaad Inventory?
Can I track Finished Goods consumption on Sapaad's Android app?
How to cancel an order in Sapaad Android app?
View all articles in “Sapaad Android App”
Sapaad Kiosk
1 article
What are the recommended specs for Ads and Timeout Image in Sapaad's Kiosk?
Sapaad Customer Display Screen
12 articles
What are the recommended specs for Ads and Timeout Image in Sapaad's Customer Display Screen?
What is Sapaad CDS?
How much does Sapaad CDS cost?
How do I activate Sapaad CDS?
What OS does Sapaad CDS operate on?
Do I need additional hardware to use Sapaad CDS? What kind of hardware will I need??
How do I set up a device to use Sapaad CDS?
How do I customize my Timeout Screen? Can I display text messages on the Timeout Screen?
View all articles in “Sapaad Customer Display Screen”
Sapaad Direct
31 articles
How can I add Advertisements to my Sapaad Direct store?
What is Sapaad Direct?
How much does Sapaad Direct cost?
What are the prerequisites before going live with Sapaad Direct?
How do I activate Sapaad Direct for my restaurant?
How do I set up Sapaad Direct?
How do I generate a QR Code for my menu?
How can I download the QR code?
View all articles in “Sapaad Direct”
Sapaad Direct Lite
8 articles
How do I set up Sapaad Direct Lite
Can I enable payments on Sapaad Direct Lite?
Can I have my own domain on Sapaad Direct Lite?
How much is the monthly subscription for Sapaad Direct Lite?
Can I have a QR code for each table with Sapaad Direct Lite?
How do I update my menu on Sapaad Direct Lite?
Can I add marketing images on Sapaad Direct Lite?
Is Sapaad Direct Lite available on a trial account?
Deliverect Connect
11 articles
How do you integrate Deliverect into Sapaad?
How do I add my new Deliverect location to Sapaad?
Can I enable “Auto Accept” for my Deliverect orders?
How can I cancel a Deliverect order on Sapaad?
If I cancel an order from Sapaad, will it reflect on my Deliverect dashboard?
I have added new menu items on Sapaad. How can I sync them to Deliverect?
Where can I view the orders delivered by other aggregators’ riders?
Where can I view the Chatfood orders that should be delivered by my restaurant?
View all articles in “Deliverect Connect”
Sapaad Vantage
1 article
How to view my Menu Engineering Report in Sapaad Vantage?