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Sapaad KDS 2.0
Sapaad KDS 2.0
What is Sapaad KDS 2.0?
What are the benefits of Sapaad KDS 2.0?
What business models does Sapaad KDS 2.0 support?
Is Sapaad KDS 2.0 web-based or an app?
What device does Sapaad KDS 2.0 work on?
Do I need proprietary hardware for Sapaad KDS 2.0?
What are the hardware specifications required for Sapaad KDS 2.0?
Do I need a physical kitchen printer for Sapaad KDS 2.0?
Do I need to set up a Kitchen Prep Screen for every category in my menu?
How to specify the type of device I am using for each kitchen station?
Can I use both touch and bump interfaces at the same time?
How to operate Sapaad KDS 2.0 with a bump interface?
How to operate Sapaad KDS 2.0 with a touch interface?
What are some keyboard shortcuts that can be used on a bump interface?
Is Sapaad KDS 2.0 integrated with Sapaad POS?
Is Sapaad KDS 2.0 integrated with Sapaad Delivery Manager?
Is Sapaad KDS 2.0 integrated with Sapaad's Token Screen?
Is Sapaad KDS 2.0 integrated with Sapaad.Online?
Can I use Sapaad KDS 2.0 without Sapaad POS?
What is the price of Sapaad KDS 2.0?
Does Sapaad KDS 2.0 work in offline mode?
Which order types does Sapaad KDS 2.0 support?
What to do before activating Sapaad KDS 2.0?
How to activate Sapaad KDS 2.0 on my account?
How to enable Sapaad KDS 2.0?
Can I enable Sapaad KDS 2.0 for specific order types?
How to update Sapaad KDS 2.0 when there are bug fixes or new features introduced?
Can I set up Sapaad KDS 2.0 in only one location?
Do I need to sync my menu with Sapaad KDS 2.0?
If I make changes to my menu, will they immediately reflect on Sapaad KDS 2.0 or will it take time to update?
How are notes for menu items displayed on Sapaad KDS 2.0?
How are modifiers displayed on Sapaad KDS 2.0?
How are notes/modifiers from referrals displayed on Sapaad KDS 2.0?
Can I restrict access to Sapaad KDS 2.0 to specific staff members?
Is there individual access control for each staff member or can multiple staff members access the same account?
Are discounts and offers displayed on Sapaad KDS 2.0?
How to view active orders on the Kitchen Prep Screen?
How to view active orders on the Expedite Screen?
How to create kitchen stations in Sapaad KDS 2.0?
How to delete a kitchen station?
What is the minimum number of kitchen stations required in Sapaad KDS 2.0?
What is the maximum number of kitchen stations I can operate with Sapaad KDS 2.0?
How to assign specific menu items to each Kitchen Prep Screen?
Can a menu category be assigned to multiple kitchen stations?
How to send an order to my Kitchen Prep Screens?
How to split an order by category to multiple kitchen stations?
How do combo items work in Sapaad KDS 2.0?
How to set time limits for each Kitchen Prep Screen?
How to edit a kitchen station name on Sapaad KDS 2.0?
Can I display the staff in charge of a station on the respective Prep Screen?
Can I view the recipe of a menu item on a Kitchen Prep Screen?
If a customer cancels a menu item, how will the kitchen staff be notified?
If a customer cancels an order, how will my kitchen staff get notified?
I accidentally bumped off a ticket. How to retrieve it?
I am not able to restore an order from the Past Orders Screen.
The Kitchen Prep Screen isn't displaying on my device.
I placed an order on the POS but the ticket didn’t appear on the Prep Screens.
How to make announcements from the Dashboard specifically to Kitchen Prep Screens?
How to know when an item has been prepared and is ready to be served?
How to know when an order is ready to be served?
How to know what order type a ticket is for?
Does the total order price appear on the Expedite Screen?
How to know how long it took to prepare an item?
My delivery orders are not showing up on my Expedite Screen.
Can I open both the Expedite Screen and Sapaad POS on the same device or browser?
Can I switch between Sapaad POS, Expedite Screen, and Kitchen Prep Screen on the same browser?
How to change the background on my Kitchen Prep and Expedite Screens?
How to change the font size on my Kitchen Prep and Expedite Screens?
How to change the number of ticket rows displayed on my Kitchen Prep and Expedite Screens?
Do announcements made from the Dashboard show up on the Kitchen Prep and Expedite Screens?
How to access the Kitchen Aid?
How to view past Kitchen Aid insights?
How to view a station's item summary for the day?
What is Item Summary on the Kitchen Aid?
How to view a station's efficiency for the day?
What is Station Efficiency on the Kitchen Aid?
How to view a station's average prep time for the day?
What is Average Preparation Time on the Kitchen Aid?
How to view a station's hourly orders for the day?
What is Hourly Orders on the Kitchen Aid?
How to view a station's top selling items for the day?
What is Top Items on the Kitchen Aid?
How is Station Efficiency measured?
How to modify or set a kitchen station's threshold?
How can I display all orders on my expedite screen?
How can I change the Token Screen setting to display the Token Number once the order is bumped from the Expedite Screen?
How can I make the delivery orders move to the “Waiting for Pickup” tab only when my dispatcher completes the order on the expedite screen?