To setup a dine-in floor plan, follow these steps:

Step 1: Log into your Sapaad account and go to Setup > Location Setup and choose the location where you want to set up dine-in tables.
Step 2: Go to Dining Settings > Dining Sections.
Step 3: Ensure the correct number of tables is set up for each dining area. To add more tables, go to the appropriate dining area, click +Add Table, then click Save All.
Step 4: Click the Setup Floor Plan button.
Step 5: Click on a table number to begin creating the floor plan. Resize and reshape the table to match your dining area's layout.
Step 6: Check to see that all the tables are added to the floor plan, then click Save. Click Close to return to the Dining Sections page. Repeat these steps to set up the floor plan for other dining areas, clicking Save when finished.
Step 7: To view the floor plan, go to Dine-in > select location > View Floor Plan.