Sapaad has made your store opening hours more flexible. You may now set up different online store timings for your store opening hours throughout the day.

To configure different store timings, simply follow the steps:

1: Go to Setup > Location Setup > Select the appropriate location.

2: Click on Self Ordering Systems and then click on Sapaad.Online.

3: Click on the Location Timings tab, select the Time Format, 12-hours or 24-hours and the Time Intervals, 15 mins., 30 mins., or 1 hr.

4: Now, you can select the time slots you want the store to be open. 

Once you have completed the steps for each of your locations:

Go to Setup > Sapaad Add Ons > Sapaad.Online Settings and click on Synchronize tab and click Save.


Watch our video guide on Configuring your Sapaad.Online Store Timings: